Free Nat Now!

As I blog this Nat Tan is still in court awaiting remand order. After been given the run-around by the ever "efficient" police force, Nat Tan is now facing charges under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
I don't know him personally. But he's a blogger. And he's a fellow human being. I, no WE, must walk with him. As someone who's been in that kind of predicament, all I can say to him is, "Hang in there bro. Be strong and have faith in the struggle."
His sis, Cheryl, is giving us breaking news ala CNN. You go girl!
This just came in from Jeff Ooi:
Nat: 4 days remand over alleged violation of OSA
A source from Parti KeAdilan Rakyat reported the following at 15:32hr today:
Mahkamah majistret petang tadi putuskan Nathaniel Tan direman selama 4 hari di bawah OSA atas tuduhan memiliki dokumen menuduh Johari Baharum terlibat rasuah.The magistrate court today ordered that Ntahaniel Tan be remanded for 4 days under the Official Secret Act (OSA) over allegation of possession of documents pertaining to Johari Baharum's alleged involvement in corruption.
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