Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nana Tanjung

Nope I didn't watch the movie. Or any movie by Prof Madya A. Razak Mohaideen, that is. Yup, he's a professor, believe it or not. Just wanna share with you the review made by Hari Azizan from The Star.

"Whatever the reasons, as the recent political circus in town showed, it pays to cash in on a winning formula, since we Malaysians love the status quo. A.Razak's "magic" directorial touch brings to mind Yusuf Haslam's successful if tired formula.

But if we have learnt anything from Hollywood, it is that box-office earnings do not reflect quality or even taste. Not that it matters to A.Razak.

For him, we, the lowly reviewers and critics, are merely envious naysayers. As he says, the numbers, like Shakira's hips and EPU figures, don't lie." [The Star, 25/11/2006]

Well said bro. I remember "watching" one of Razak's films during one of those boring Raya reruns. I think it was Mistik. Or was it Potret Mistik? Whatever 'stik' lah. Anyway, the script was so simple. Everybody was screaming. Aaaaaaa! Makkkkkkk! Ohhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaa! I watched it for only five minutes before I started cursing. It was really a "horror" movie.

I believe films should be the manifestation of life. But when people [read: Melayu] go in droves to the panggung in awe of films like Sembilu and Nana Tanjung, it is actually a sad reflection of our own society.


Blogger Yang bernama Siti said...

Earlier this year I attended a course organized by a group of UiTM Lecturers. When I mentioned him, they were reluctant to say that he is one of them.

8:40 AM  
Blogger aman said...

siti: haha i'm not surprised. i think his students pun malu to have him as lecturer.

2:33 PM  

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