Toilet revolution

He said, "the cleanliness and beauty of a country's toilets were a measure of how civilised it was."
When it comes to toilets we are way behind our neighbour Singapore. No, they are not being kiasu. They are just more disciplined than us. Or perhaps they aim better.
I doubt we can change the mentality of our people when it comes to toilets. We are, after all, Malaysians.
Which reminds me of my trip to Kota Bharu a couple of months ago. I went to the public toilet near Pasar Siti Khadijah. Paid 20 sen hoping that I could do my business in peace....but,
The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned for ages. Shits floating in the bowl, pipes not working, no flush and it stinks to high heaven!
And all that for 20 sen.
Rushed out and saw this signboard,
"Selamat Datang Ke Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam"
If you wanna call your place Islamic City, fine, but dude clean your toilet first lah!
We laughed when Singapore announced about their "Toilet University". Yet we still squat on the sitting type lavatory.
And now we have a RM1 self cleaning toilet, not to mention the RM2 "Premium Toilet" like in KLCC. And typical Malaysian's would go like this:
"baik aku kencing kat rumah,"
"kat tepi tu ada semak, kencing situ je la"
or, quoting a line from the film BULI:
"besok aje la aku kencing"
spot on lizzam. btw your blog is cool.
ya la... always terkena camtu unless i gi toilet kat highway punya R&R better....
whats the business? kecil kalu,
at least you guys can just stand.
what choice do I have? to squat or to sit? To squat with my heels on? Terpeleot masuk kaki dlm tu, 10 hari 10 malam la pakai kertas pasir cuci.
To sit???? Direct contact? Oh please, kena susun tisu banyak2 tebal kat situ dulu.
Like it or not, I have to settle my business awal2 as not to attend to public toilet.
maybe they want to show to the world the samples of Halal Muslim shit in kelantan laa
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