Selamat Hari Raya
The courier guy came yesterday and handed a packaged addressed to me. "Dari Celcom bang, biasalah time Raya ni."
I was like wow...dahsyat Celcom bagi Raya gift to customers. What a pleasant surprise. I opened the package and there was a nice box stuffed with buah kurma and chocolates.
Then I realised there's also a Raya card. It was addressed to: Cik Rogayah bt Omar.
Huh? Who the heck is Cik Rogayah?!!
It was almost a perfect PR gesture from Celcom. Well, thanks anyway. Just make sure you guys get the name right next year.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf zahir & batin.
Sick and tired

I'm sick and tired of the haze.
I'm sick and tired of politicians who keep making promises after promises.
I'm sick and tired of Asean members who keep having meetings after meetings.
I'm sick and tired of declarations after declarations.
I'm sick and tired of wearing a mask and yet not qualified to be a surgeon.
I'm sick and tired of people who don't care about the environment.
I'm sick and tired of the Indonesian government.
I'm sick and tired of the Malaysian government.
I'm sick and tired of people who have no balls to teach the government a lesson come election day.
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Soalan PMR hari ini
Sila lihat gambar di atas. Soalannya, apakah yang sedang dilakukan oleh Pak Lah, Perdana Menteri kita?
Pilih satu daripada jawapan berikut:
a) Beliau sedang bertafakur
b) Beliau sedang berfikir
c) Beliau sedang melakukan pilates
d) Beliau sedang mengarang sajak
e) Beliau sedang mencari ilham
f) Beliau cuba mengorek hidung
g) Beliau sedang mendengar MP3
h) Beliau sedang tidur nyenyak
Anda diberi masa 60 saat untuk menjawab.
Selamat mencuba!