Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Birthday Boy
Oh yeah, even Celcom gave me a birthday card. For the first time. Unlike my Raya card, this time they got my name right.
I wonder why Celcom is so baik hati nowadays. Thanks, next time expensive gifts like sports car and condominium are most welcomed.
My cousins Kak Teh and Abang Nik came to the office to deliver a really nice cake, courtesy of my sis Kak Ni who's in Kota Bharu for a biz trip. Thank God they didn't scream SURPRISE!!!
I don't like birthday surprises.
Malu lah.
But expensive gifts like sports car and condominium are most welcomed.
Atik gave a cheeky birthday wish though,
Happy bday. Have a meaningful life n b happy.
GET MARRIED!!! If u find the right person.
The real message: Get married!
I replied,
Thnx. I will when I hve da mood 2 get married.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Beruk Boleh!
Read this and laugh like a beruk:
Tubuh pusat latihan beruk petik kelapa
BACHOK 3 Feb. – Kerajaan negeri atau Persekutuan digesa menubuhkan satu pusat khusus untuk melatih beruk memetik buah kelapa sebagai usaha menyelamatkan beratus ribu hektar ladang kelapa di Kelantan daripada menjadi terbiar akibat tiada tenaga manusia yang mampu memetik buahnya.
Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jelawat Datuk Dr. Ilias Hussain berkata, pemilik beruk yang sudah berpengalaman mengenainya boleh diambil sebagai jurulatih, dengan memberi mereka elaun khas.
Imagine this scene:
"Abah...err Siti nak kawin abah..."
"Yeke? Alhamdulillah...kau nak kawin ngan sapa?"
"Err...ngan Leman...Abang Leman."
"Ohh..Leman yang duduk hujung kampung tu kan? Leman tu keje apa?"
"Abang Leman tu jurulatih abah..."
"[Wah...sportsman menantu aku]. Dia jurulatih bola ye. Liga Perdana ke? EPL? Spanish League?"
"Abang Leman jurulatih beruk, abah."
"Hahhhh!!! Ya Allah...."
Si bapa, bakal mertua beruk...oppss jurulatih beruk terperanjat beruk lalu koma.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Syabas Zabrina and Joe Jer!
I've been rooting for these girls all the way although I thought Andrew and Syeon would come out tops. Zabrina and Joe Jer were smart enought to hire a taxi driver to show the way around Kuching. And to become the first all-female team to win an Amazing Race competition makes it even sweeter.
Syabas girls!
Err...can I have some of the USD100,000.00 to settle my credit card hutang?
p/s Pak Lah, wake up and honour these two Towering Malaysians lah.