Saturday, January 20, 2007

New look, again?!

It's Maal Hijrah 1428H so my blog "hijrah" to a new template.

Problem is certain parts disappeared. Blame it on blogspot.

It's pitch black, dark and gloomy. Like I'm in a state of mourning.

Actually I am.

Kisah Pak Utih

I'd like to dedicate this classic poem to all politicians especially the ones in Mesia Tanahairku.

Pak Utih


Punya satu isteri mau dakap sampai mati,
Lima anak mau makan setiap hari,
Teratak tua digayuti cerita pusaka,
Sebidang tanah tandus untuk huma.

Kulit tangan tegang berbelulang,
Biasa keluarkan peluh berapa saja,
O Pak Utih,
petani yang berjasa.

Tapi malaria senang menjenguk mereka,
Meski dalam sembahyang doa berjuta,
Dan Mak Utih bisa panggil dukun kampung,
Lalu jampi matera serapah berulang-ulang.
Betapa Pak Dukun dan bekalan pulang,
Wang dan ayam dara diikat bersilang.


Di kota pemimpin berteriak-teriak,
Pilihanraya dan kemerdekaan rakyat,
Seribu kemakmuran dalam negara berdaulat,
Jambatan mas kemakmuran sampai ke akhirat.

Ketika kemenangan bersinar gemilang,
Pemimpin atas mobil maju ke depan,
dadanya terbuka,
Ah, rakyat tercinta melambaikan tangan mereka.

Di mana-mana jamuan dan pesta makan,
Ayam panggang yang enak di depan,
Datang dari desa yang dijanjikan kemakmuran.

Pak Utih masih menanti dengan doa,
Bapak-bapak pergi ke mana di mobil besar?

Tongkat Warrant a.k.a. Usman Awang

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bloggers United: No Fear

I woke up to this story in the morning. And there goes my day.

PETALING JAYA (Jan 18, 2007): Bloggers Jeff Ooi (Screenshots) and Rocky (Rocky's Bru) have been sued for defamation by the New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) and individuals of the company over the postings on their blogs. [The Sun]

Interesting times for bloggers eh?

To all bloggers, let's unite behind Jeff Ooi and Rocky.

Together we can defeat The Evil.

Read the official statement of Bloggers United here.

Oh Mesia Tanahairku...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The toll taking its toll on the people

Pix from Alan Cheah

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Need I say more?

More pix here and here.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Welcome 2007!

It's not too late to wish myself and everyone Happy New Year rite.

After the earthquake my already crappy internet is even crappier now. Slow like siput. And sometimes siput lagi laju. Haven't been able to even check my emails for the last few days. I don't know whether I can post this entry. Blogging with my fingers crossed now.

Raya Haji was a low key affair. New Year was even lower key.

Was all alone on malam raya. So I did a crazy thing. No, I didn't get laid. I washed my car at 1.00 am, in the wee hours of the morning cos esok nak raya. Ok actually the car dah kotor giler. I can't drive a dirty car cos "saya seorang yang pembersih lagi bersopan-santun".

Washing your car under dim lighting can pose a problem. I realised in the morning that I missed a few spots. So the car is like macam orang mandi tak sudah. But what the heck, it still looks better than before.

Last nite (or rather in the wee hours of the morning, again) I did another crazy thing. Ya tahun 2007 adalah tahun untuk membuat keje-keje giler. Lagi giler dari Tahun Melawat Mesia. I cooked rice and goreng telur at 2.00 am then makan. Bukan sahur dan bukan supper. It's dinner. Then watched TV and slept at 4.00 am.

So now I'm sleepy. Very sleepy. No wonder my notebook screen look like one kind only.

And that's why I need to click "publish"...