Saturday, June 30, 2007

Malaysian democracy

From malaysiakini.

What more can I say?

Opposition muzzled - here's black and white proof
Jun 29, 07 7:19pm

It’s an open secret that the government issues directives to state-owned television and radio stations to black out the opposition. But it now appears that private stations also receive similar directives.

Malaysiakini has obtained a copy of the letter from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) ordering all private TV and radio stations to stop airing speeches by opposition leaders. [See original letter]

“The government has noted that several private TV and radio stations have been airing speeches by opposition party leaders,” wrote MCMC chairman Dr Halim Shafie in the June 7 letter.

“Your station is requested not to broadcast such speeches in future.”

The one-page letter added that the directive should be implemented immediately.

Halim could not be reached for comment.

MCMC, a government agency under the Energy, Water and Communications Ministry, is empowered to regulate matters relating to communications and multimedia activities, including private TV and radio stations as well as Internet websites.

The licencing of private TV and radio stations comes under its purview.

The letter was carbon-copied to Energy, Water and Communications Ministry’s secretary general Dr Halim Man.

No such directive

Yesterday, private station ntv7 denied opposition party claims that it had received a directive ordering it to censor opposition comments in news broadcasts.

Opposition member of parliament Tan Kok Wai told a press conference on Wednesday that he had received information from a reliable source of a directive to the media to stop airing comments from opposition parties.

The DAP parliamentarian said the directive tantamount to political discrimination against opposition parties.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Did you, Najib?

You might not read about this in the papers tomorrow. You see, the local media is good at "deleting" too.

"Najib Razak" photographed with Mongolian victim,
court told

by Ivy Sam

SHAH ALAM, Malaysia (AFP) - A Malaysian government official identified as "Najib Razak" was photographed with a Mongolian woman and her lover who is now on trial in connection with her murder, a witness testified Friday.

The testimony electrified the courtroom and sparked angry exchanges between the prosecution and a lawyer for the family of the dead woman, who alleged in court that an aide to Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak had directed that the victim be taken away before her death.

Najib Razak is close to Abdul Razak Baginda, 47, a political analyst charged with abetting the murder in October last year of Altantuya Shaariibuu, 28. [AFP, 29 June 2007]

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wayang kulit

Ahh...Eric Chia is acquitted.

See, I told you oledi, Mesia sure can wan!

Another great show of wayang kulit ala Islam Hadhari.

Read these 2002 articles by Kim Quek, a retired accountant.

Read 'em and weep. And think of the 10 billion ringgit that went down the drain the next time you vote.

Stop the play-acting in Perwaja scandal

Perwaja scandal: Resign Mahathir!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Wacky dream

I had the strangest of dreams last nite.

I dreamt I was detained under the ISA. Strange. Really strange. And funny too. It seemed so real though. The funny thing was I had my mobile phone with me and tried calling for help. But they jammed my phone. Wacky tunes including loony cartoons would play everytime I dialled a number.

Another strange thing was my sis paid a visit on the first day (which is impossible in a real life ISA detention). I asked her how many were detained.

"You're the only one."

I was like "WHAT?!!!" And kept asking myself why they didn't arrest my friend as well.

Also met the Darul Islam guys who were detained earlier. One was already gila due to drug overdose. And I knew who did that to him. Poor guy.

Gheez...what a strange dream. Still trying to figure out why I had such a wacky dream.

Maybe tonight there will be a sequel. And I hope Jessica Alba will be detained too.

Monday, June 18, 2007

More shit

This one is specially for all bloggers and porno webmasters. Courtesy of the Malaysian gomen.

Task force to check on websites

A task force will be formed to study the need to regulate Internet sites with pornographic and seditious content.

Sources told the New Straits Times that the task force would tread carefully so as not to violate the bill and would study existing laws, such as the Sedition Act, to see how it could be expanded to include Internet content.

The websites to be monitored are those which contain pornographic material and those, including blogs, which carry seditious material.

"These include blogs which post inflammatory content against other races or religions and not just blogs on politics or those which criticise the government," a source said.

The task force will study "tricky" issues like the problem of identifying anonymous bloggers, the handling of websites with servers located overseas, and the application of sedition law in cyberspace. [NST, 15 June 2007]

You want more shit? Vote for BN in the next elections.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Right a wrong

Saw the Ritz Khan interview with Mike Wallace on Al Jazeera this morning.

When asked what was his defining moments during his illustrious career as a journalist with 60 Minutes, he answered:

"To right a wrong is astonishing."

How I wish our local reporters have the same conviction. Hell, forget about right-ing a wrong. They can't even ask the right questions.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Datuk, 26

In Utusan Malaysia today.

Natasha mengaku bertunang Datuk

Kuala Lumpur 15 Jun - Model, pelakon dan pengacara Natasha Hudson (pix),
25, hari ini mengaku telah bertunang dengan Datuk Shahrin Zahari, 26, awal tahun ini.

Majlis pertunangan Natasha dengan ahli perniagaan itu berlangsung secara tertutup dan dihadiri oleh keluarga dan sahabat terdekat.

Natasha pernah mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Mohd. Faiz Mohd. Raih, 26, selama empat bulan setengah sebelum bercerai pada hari raya kedua lalu.

Ok, forget what you read about her on the internet. I'm actually gobsmacked about that Datuk title. He's 26. Only 26!!! I'm sure this is not a typo error. A 62-year old Datuk I can understand. But 26?!

Don't tell me he has contributed so much to the country at such a young age. Maybe it's part of his name, not a title. Like your name is Baginda even though you're not an Agong.

Well, come to think of it, this is after all Malaysia.

Malaysia Truly Boleh.

Pet was right when he wrote this piece.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Anwar on Altantuya

Just got this in my inbox. Good to read with a C4 by your side.


14 Jun 2007

Adalah dikhuatiri tanda-tanda perkembangan yang luarbiasa timbul di dalam perbicaraan kes pembunuhan Altantuya telah pun timbul pada Mac 9 apabila perbicaraan itu secara tiba-tiba diambil daripada Hakim K.N. Segara dengan alasan penjadualan semula kes-kes di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam dan salah satu daripada pihak tertuduh telah memohon untuk perbicaraan awal. Sekiranya benar pun kes ini hendak dibawa ke hadapan, tidak ada alasan kukuh untuk memindahkan kes ini dari Hakim Segara kepada hakim yang lain. Perpindahan kes ini, untuk mematuhi prinsip-prinsip kebebasan kehakiman, seharusnya timbul daripada hakim yang mengadili kes tersebut sendiri yang jelas sekali tidak berlaku di dalam kes ini.

Kini wujud spekulasi meluas bahawa akan ada perkembangan mengejutkan apabila perbicaraan disambung minggu hadapan. Ini termasuklah cadangan bahawa dakwaan terhadap Abdul Razak Baginda dan sekurang-kurangnya salah satu daripada pihak tertuduh akan digugurkan dan kemungkinan hakim perbicaraan akan ditukar sekali lagi – semua tindakan ini untuk menghalang fakta-fakta tertentu dari muncul – fakta-fakta yang mungkin mengaibkan seorang menteri.

Spekulasi sebegini telah menjadi lebih rancak dengan pertukaran pihak pendakwaraya secara tiba-tiba sebagaimana terjadi pada 4 Jun 2007. Penjelasan Peguam Negara bahawa perubahan ini perlu memandangkan beliau mendapat maklumat bahawa Timbalan Pendakwa Raya utama sering bermain badminton dengan Hakim yang mendengari kes ini tidak melibatkan isu-isu pokok yang telah ditimbulkan. Kini telah jelas bahawa sesi badminton ini sudahpun diketahui umum di kalangan peguam dan hakim – maka amatlah tidak munasabah bahawa Peguam Negara tidak mengetahui perkara ini lebih awal lagi.

Lebih penting lagi, mengapakah Ketua Bahagian Sivil, Tun Majid Tun Hamzah yang mempunyai banyak tanggungjawab di sana, mengendalikan kes ini? Mengapakah Peguam Negara mengenepikan keseluruhan Bahagian Jenayah yang diketuai Datuk Yusof Zainal Abidin – adakah wujud konflik dalaman berkaitan kes ini?

Saya menyeru Peguam Negara untuk menjawab isu-isu ini dan menangani spekulasi yang telah timbul.

Juga yang menjadi kekhuatiran kami ialah dakwaan bekas peguambela Zulkifli Nordin yang mewakili Inspektor Azilah (salah satu pihak tertuduh) bahawa beliau mendapat tekanan dari "campurtangan pihak ketiga" untuk menarik diri. Ini tuduhan yang teramat serius dan mestilah disiasat secara serius dan segera oleh Peguam Negara.

Sistem pengadilan Malaysia juga kini sedang diperhati oleh seluruh dunia di dalam kes ini. Peranan polis, Kamar Peguam Negara dan kehakiman akan dipantau secara dekat.

Sebelum ini, saya juga telah menarik perhatian kepada kelemahan yang amat serius di dalam penyiasatan pihak polis. Persoalan yang telah saya timbulkan berkaitan tiadanya siasatan terhadap peranan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak masih belum dijawab. Persoalan mengenai sama ada kes ini ada kaitan dengan kontroversi berkaitan pembelian kapal selam Scorpene dan komisyen yang cukup tinggi bernilai RM530 juta kepada Perimekar Sdn. Bhd., sebuah syarikat yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Abdul Razak Baginda dan rakan-rakannya juga belum dijawab. Kini, perkembangan terbaru – termasuk perubahan hakim perbicaraan dan penukaran pendakwaraya pada saat-saat akhir – akan mengecewakan lagi harapan orang ramai bahawa perbicaraan ini akan dijalankan secara telus dan adil. Seluruh dunia dan rakyat Malaysia mahukan jawapan sebenar di dalam mahkamah berkenaan bagaimana Altantuya dibunuh, mengapa beliau dibunuh dan siapakah yang bertanggungjawab di dalam mengarahkan pembunuhannya.


She knows too much

Susan continues to reveal truth after truth in her blog. But can the "truth save us all"?

Altantuya: how long must I wait?

"Altantuya knows too much"

Keep up the good work Susan. And watch your back.


Dad reveals who the real Altantuya is

"Amina", yes but there is no "Aminah"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Me, a dictator?!

Your Birthdate: February 13

You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge.
While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator.
Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down.
You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way.

Your strength: You always get the job done

Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault

Your power color: Gray

Your power symbol: Checkmark

Your power month: April

I almost fell off my chair when I read "your power color". I thought it was "gay". But is gray a "power color"?. Color macam mayat pun power ke?

My weakness seems to be
"you're a perfectionist to a fault". Hello brader...that's not a weakness ok.

And that "dictator" part, c'mon...I'm not like that lah! What?! What did you say?! Come here you idiot, let me pancung your kepala!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Kahwin lah

Pak Lah's impending akad nikah has triggered off a flurry of jokes. Even Lat's cartoon in the NST today is funny and cheeky. I bet Lat won't be invited to the wedding.

And what about this sms joke:

Every Malaysian wants to know when the PM
is announcing the forthcoming ELECTION
but instead he announced his forthcoming ERECTION.

You naughty people...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Back to blog

I've been lazy. I've not been feeling well. I've been travelling. From Ijok to Kota Bharu to Kota Kinabalu to Sandakan. Yeah only domestic, but it's still jet-setting of sorts.

This is just a short entry. Just to kick-off the blogging mood again.

In a state of mourning though. Loga, you'll be dearly missed. I grew up with your songs.
Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the special memories.

May you rest in peace.